October 04, 2009

Recycled Dream Cans

A month has flown by.  I have yet to hear from Kayla.  Everything at work is basically the same.  I have not seen Marty again and am thinking of demoting him back to simply “that guy at the Snow Cone Stand”.  I spend most of my time with Re-Run and reading these books one by one.  I have started to have memorable dreams again.  I had one the night before last that feels more real than the hours when I am awake, sleep walking through the days.

~The dream was another about water.  Re-Run was in it also.  
Recycled Dream Cans: the dream

I was going out during the day to run errands, grocery shop etc.  I exited an apartment that was not mine in real life, but very much mine in the dream.  As I exited onto a city sidewalk with Re-Run in a cute little “happy” sundress, I locked the RED door and pushed my long hair off my shoulder.  

Recycled Dream Cans: the red door
When I had locked the door, I turned around to find myself neck-deep in water.  The city was suddenly flooded.  I grabbed Re-Run and we treaded water together.  Buildings began to fall down around us.  We found refuge occasionally on top of the parked cars (they hadn’t moved at all).  Small metal cans floated by us.   They could have been soda cans or dogfood cans.. I’m not sure.  We kept treading water, my arm wrapped around my spirit keeper, keeping our heads just above water.  After a long struggle, a non-threatening current swept us down the street and into a totally different scene.  I saw a raised island of land with a big tree on it.  We swam for it.  I was still carrying Re-Run when we got to the sliver of land.  I had finally found dry land.  Then just as I was about to put her down, I noticed a brightly colored, oversized scorpion on the extruding roots at the base of the tree.  I thought.. “please move to the other side of the roots so we can share”.  As if hearing my thoughts, the scorpion moved to the other side and disappeared into the underbelly of the roots.  I put Re-Run down and then sat beside her against the tree.  We watched as the waves rolled by.  

Instead of being relieved completely to have found a safe spot,  there was a distinct feeling of sadness that lingered even after I woke up.

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